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Rot Link last Textbox in the Column to the Cell below
15.09.2016 23:02:58 Jens

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15.09.2016 23:02:58
Rating: Antwort:
Link last Textbox in the Column to the Cell below

Hey Community! 

I struggeled today and spend to much time trying to find the solution. I have this code: 

Sub LinkCheckBoxes()
Dim chk As CheckBox
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = 0 'number of columns to the right for link
For Each chk In ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes
   With chk
      .LinkedCell = _
         .TopLeftCell.Offset(0, lCol).Address
   End With
Next chk
End Sub
This Code is linking all the Checkboxes in the ActiveSheet to the cells below. But now I want to search in the last checkbox in Column A and only apply this operation to this Checkbox. I'm able to find the last cell in Column A but I don't know how to refer to the checkbox above. 
Thanks for your Help, this Forum is so great!! 

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Thema Datum  Von Nutzer Rating
Rot Link last Textbox in the Column to the Cell below
15.09.2016 23:02:58 Jens